God says, “Listen up!”

God says, “Listen up!”

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul,
and with all your strength.
– Deuteronomy 6:5 (NRSV)

Over the past few months, I have been preparing for my final ordination interview. About two weeks ago, during my mock interview, I was asked to share my favorite scripture and the reason it holds special meaning for me. I have many but as I pondered this question for some time, I kept coming back to Deuteronomy 6:5. Although this verse appears in multiple places in the New Testament, I lean into this
Hebrew text because it was given by Moses to the people of Israel as a commandment before they entered
the Promised Land. This scripture stands as a foundational command for our faith and requires our entire
being – heart, soul and strength.

As I shared in my final interview, I recall teaching this scripture to children in Godly Play. I recall
teaching the movements for the various parts – drawing a heart over our own hearts and showing off our
arm muscles for strength. I recall telling the kids that it was as if Moses was telling the Israelites, “hey guys,
listen up. I mean it, listen to what I’m telling you.” Oftentimes I remember that when I was trying to get their
attention after sharing this lesson, sometimes weeks or months later, one of them would pipe up and say,
“Hey, hey Israelites, listen up.” That often made them all break out and recite this scripture – love the Lord
your God with all your heart, all your soul, and with all your strength complete with hand gestures too.

As I reflect on this scripture today, it gives great solace in a time that is chaotic and confusing in our
world. I often think about that time back when Moses was standing before the people telling them to listen,
to really hear this commandment. This commandment was not only a commandment but a call to total
devotion to God with their entire being – heart, soul, and strength. It also served as a reminder of their
covenant with God, reminding them of their wholehearted love and obedience to God. And it served as a
connection to Jesus for us later in the New Testament as written in Matthew and Mark, reenforcing that love
for God is foundational in all that we do.

So how do we use this scripture today? Moses was instructing the Israelites to keep these words in
their hearts, to teach them diligently to their children, and to display them in their daily lives. Imagine if we
each did the same today. How might we each impact the lives of others around us if we let our love for God
shape every aspect of our lives? How might we show that love to others? In what ways might that impact
not only our lives but those around us? I imagine God say, “listen up people, really listen to what I am telling
you – love me with all of your heart, with your entire self, and with all your strength.”

What will you do today to heed the invitation? Let us take this opportunity to renew our
commitment each day and to seek God in all that we say and do.

Pastor Heidi