Dear beloved community,
As we move into and through the season of Advent, I want to invite you to pause –
breathe in deeply – and exhale. It seems as though the world is spinning so much faster
these day and before we know it will be Christmas morning. All of that said so that we don’t
miss it as it whizzes by! Perhaps you have a list a mile long of things to do or you just are
not in the mood for this holiday season, I pray this bit may be bring some solace during this
exciting, yet oftentimes chaotic time of year.
As a list maker myself, I recognize all that must be done to make Christmas a
beautiful and memorable moment for your families – decorating the tree, shopping for gifts,
wrapping those gifts, planning and shopping for the menu, filling the stockings, travel and on
and on. All that planning is filled with love but may also be tiresome, therefore, let us not get
so busy planning for the event that we forget the reason for the season.
In an effort to offer a place of rest and not to add another thing for you to do during
this already busy season, I’d like to extend an invite to gather each Wednesday evening via
Zoom to make our way through the Prepare The Way Advent Devotional or you may also
pick one up in the foyer of the sanctuary to use on your own during the Advent season.
Either way, I pray that you may take a few minutes each day for prayer and reflection as we
prepare our hearts to welcome the Christmas child.
Blessings to all,
Pastor Heidi