Yo howdy All Y’all –
It seems sudden that we’re already nearing the end of yet another year where some days
and decades seem as the same. The Autumn daylight from the Sun low on the horizon
reveals beautiful new colors, and many turn their focus towards celebrating the Light of Christ in
our lives.
For the congregation of Central Christian Church Austin, Disciples of Christ, we try for this focus
on the teachings of Christ to be demonstrated daily. It is not just on Sundays that we are a
Congregation – affording among us diversity in opinion, finding unity in faith, and active in sharing
the Love we celebrate this month.
We celebrate also later this month our being Church together, with our annual Congregational
Meeting during which we gather and vote on a well-considered slate of Servant Leaders. Please
join our Congregational Meeting, either in person or by Zoom.
Consider also please – for yourself – if there are new or different ways for you to help
our church in service to Christ. Find comfort in service thru worship – in person or on-line (if
perhaps you slept late or became distracted – our variants in church worship opportunities
empower us to “join” in congregation at any time).
The Tree of Angels worship is a solemn celebration to consider attending; the Sundays of
Advent are always uplifting, and this year we will be having two worship celebrations
on Christmas Eve!
Every day, there are people who seek some sustenance from our Petite Pantry. While personally
maintaining a regular pantry-supply schedule is not possible for me or many, a random drop-off is
always welcomed, and also presents an opportunity for you to visit our cornerstone downtown.
I experience great comfort in simply walking about our building and landscape – inspiration from
the physical manifestations of our heritage, in gratitude joining with the mission of our church to
serve Christ. We serve many many ways – with visual comfort and inspiration, with many other
gifts to the street, and with an enduring legacy of outreach, support and assistance to our
neighbors, local communities and beyond.
Right now we can all be thinking of both the possible and practiced ways of becoming our
reflection of the Love of Christ – individually, as family, as friends and neighbors, and
as Congregation with resources unique to Central Christian Church, Austin.
Next year we will be beginning a more structured process of “Visioning CCCA”, with input and ideas
encouraged and welcomed from each and all of us – to be compiled and outlined by a Visioning
Team invited by our Senior Pastor and Administrative Council to work hard and openly.
Ask yourself what you would like our church to be? What ideas you may have for engagement with
others? Alliance possibilities? How can we improve or alter the functions and use of our properties
and other resources? Please also consider asking those friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors
why they do not participate with a church.
In what ways can CCCA demonstrate our gratitude for – as we celebrate – the Light of Christ in our
lives? How can we better serve in sharing our joy? Get ready to write down your answers! Thank
Peace be, be well.