Another year of service, of witness for thy love,
Another year of training for holier work above.
Another year is dawning!
Dear Father, let it be,
on earth or else in Heaven,
Another year for thee!”
– Another Year is Dawning by Frances Ridley Havergal
Happy New Year! 2025 is here!
A new year gives time to pause, a time to reflect, and a time to review where we have been and where we are going.
If I’m being honest, I’m not a big New Year’s kind of person. By that, I mean that I’m in bed by 10, forget to eat black-eyed peas, grapes, cabbage and all the other things for good health, wealth, etc. and I don’t usually make any momentous resolutions. However, this past Sunday, as our musicians sang Another Year is Dawning during morning worship, I was struck that another year is indeed dawning. And it made me not only think about the coming year but also reflect on the past twelve months.
In 2024, CCC members and friends of CCC have impacted the world around us through a variety of ways. Here are the many ways that each of you have helped make a difference both locally and worldwide:
* Souper Bowl of Caring – CCC collected almost 400 pounds of food to be distributed through Bethany Food Pantry to those most in need in the East Austin area
* World Medical Mission – CCC members, family and friends collected, scrubbed off labels and sanitized over 700 medicine bottles to be sent to medical clinics in third world countries to ensure safe dispensing of medicines. Plus, it kept these bottles out of the landfill. Win-Win!
* Petite Pantry – Members and friends of CCC continue to help restock and financially support this food ministry to those in need
* Lion’s Club of Austin – 60 pairs of eyeglasses were collected and donated to their eyesight program
* Smith Elementary School – CCC hosted our annual school supply drive to assist students and teachers with basic school supplies.
* CCC donated several loads of blankets and other cold weather gear to Central Presbyterian in collaboration with their outreach to those living on the streets
* Fig Leaf Ministries – several carloads of clothing were donated to University United Methodist Church’s clothing closet
* CCC hosted our annual Trunk or Treat. Welcomed over 100+ people to our annual gathering in the parking lot with trunks full of treats, games, popcorn and cotton candy!
* Thanksgiving at Bethany Food Pantry – CCC donated 100 pumpkin pies and 100 bags of sugar to help fill the Thanksgiving dinner boxes for families in the East Austin area
* Breakfast with Santa – CCC hosted 30+ people for our first Breakfast with Santa event
* Blessing Bags – During our Christmas luncheon, 72 blessing bags were completed with a pair of socks, can of soup, bottled water, and other goodies were assembled to share with those that we see throughout the week who may need an extra blessing.
* Period Packs – On pajama Sunday, we gathered in the fellowship hall for popcorn, fellowship and to assemble 86 period packs to be distributed through our Petite Pantry
* Smith Elementary – CCC also purchased 30 board games to be used as part of the school liaison’s end of the semester incentive program for perfect attendance! Some may say that we are a small church, but I like to think of us as family sized because family rallies together to make the world a better place.
So, as the new year rolls in, let us continue to look for ways that we can individually and collectively make a difference in the world around us.
A new year is dawning, how will you make a difference?
Pastor Heidi