Yo howdy all y’all – rejoice, this is the day Creation hath made. The weather has gloriously changed – a new season’s blend of harvest and preparation. “Gardening with God” presents challenging opportunities for faith, trust and a reliance on Grace. I’m talking about composting. The piles of leaves and textured cuttings that appear and...
Author: Phil Conard (Phil Conard)
Breaking Up Our Fallow Ground
Yo howdy all y’all! It is a beautiful day to visit our church (yes, every day is), and to walk around andabout our wilding of downtown wildflowers and gardens for autumn harvest. It’s been a little more than two years since Pastor Layne began placing inspiring/comforting signs along the softening edges of our sanctuary. The...
A Farewell to the Heat of Summer
Yo Howdy All Y’all – it is a beautiful day to walk about our gardens. Curiously, I felt summer was filled with beautiful days to walk about our garden, although thebest times were sunrise and sunset, there is a special satisfaction in the comfort of the pecantree canopy even if it is actually 110 degrees...
Nourishing People as an Urban Sanctury
Yo howdy All Yall – it is a beautiful day! One of the demonstrations that I love of our being church is that we nourish people – welcoming strangersto share at our table and experience our Austin Urban Sanctuary. Our presence downtown creates opportunities to meet people visiting our community; those engagedwith our civic process...
Reaping Generously, Even in this HEAT.
Yo howdy all y’all – it is a beautiful day! Everyday around noon – when the summertime heat index accelerates it’s rise – the shade from our pecans begins to embrace the seating along our San Antonio hillside, and often there is even a soft breeze. It is comforting to pause and pray, to sit...
Thank You’s to Resilient Bloomers
Yo Howdy All Y’all – it is a beautiful day to be somewhere in our gardens! A special thank you to our ever-learning and now pulpit preachin’ Associate Pastor Heidi for her patiencewith me again for this overdue entry into this edition of the Window. Thank you, (I’m blaming our churchgardens – they make me...