Dear Sisters and Brothers, I recently joined family members for a Celebration of Life for my Uncle Ed and Aunt Marilynn.We joined together in the little town of Three Rivers, CA; in the foothills near the southern-most entrance to Sequoia National Park. Our plan had been to scatter their ashes among the giant redwoods there,...
Gardening with God
Yo howdy, all y’all, Most everything in our garden is growing like weeds – a blooming congregationof wild weeds. Gardening with God ya gotta accept some wild weeds.Hopefully, we’ll have an ongoing rotation of blooms and textured colors all the way till fall.Produce deliveries to Angel’s House Soup Kitchen are increasing in variety and weight....
Join the Green Team
Green Chalice? What is that? The Green Chalice Program is a hands-on mission of Disciples Home Mission of the General Ministry ofthe Christian Church (Disciple of Christ). The purpose of the Green Chalice program is to encourage andassist local congregations to live out their faith by caring for creation. Its goal is to empower congregations...
Eostre and Easter
“On the first day of the week, at early dawn, they went to the tomb, taking the spices thatthey had prepared.” – Luke 24:1 Long before it was imported into the Christian tradition, the Spring festival honored thegoddess Eostre or Eastre. The name is pronounced Easter. She was the ancient Anglo Saxongoddess of the dawn...
Walking Together Through Lent
As I scrolled back through the last three Lenten seasons, I was reminded of how much we haveexperienced together over that time together. Each Lenten season, we gathered on Wednesday evenings toshare in a time of prayer and study. In 2021, we studied Jesus’ teachings about storing treasures in his Sermon on the Mount. We...