Buckets; pronounced “Boo-Kays”

Buckets; pronounced “Boo-Kays”

Yo howdy all y’all – rejoice, this is the day Creation hath made. The weather has gloriously changed – a new season’s blend of harvest and preparation. “Gardening with God” presents challenging opportunities for faith, trust and a reliance on Grace. I’m talking about composting. The piles of leaves and textured cuttings that appear and...

Breaking Up Our Fallow Ground

Breaking Up Our Fallow Ground

Yo howdy all y’all! It is a beautiful day to visit our church (yes, every day is), and to walk around andabout our wilding of downtown wildflowers and gardens for autumn harvest. It’s been a little more than two years since Pastor Layne began placing inspiring/comforting signs along the softening edges of our sanctuary. The...

Consider your Time, Treasure, and Talents

Consider your Time, Treasure, and Talents

As we move into Fall; my favorite season of the year, with the cooler temperatures andchanging colors of the landscape, let us take time to reflect on that which we are thankful for andmost grateful. Within that reflection, I invite you to prayerfully consider how you will live out thatgratitude in the coming year. 2024...

Stewardship of Our Three T’s

Stewardship of Our Three T’s

Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not regretfully or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. – 2 Corinthians 9:7And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. – Hebrews 13:16Everyone can be great because everyone can serve....

Stewardship Commitment Sunday

Stewardship Commitment Sunday

Dear Central Christian Church Family, The work of our church can happen because of the generous financial and volunteer supportof our community. Because of you, our congregation changes lives. My gift to our congregation grows from my appreciation of the lives we touch. Generosity inall its forms comes as my expression of gratitude for this...

A Farewell to the Heat of Summer

A Farewell to the Heat of Summer

Yo Howdy All Y’all – it is a beautiful day to walk about our gardens. Curiously, I felt summer was filled with beautiful days to walk about our garden, although thebest times were sunrise and sunset, there is a special satisfaction in the comfort of the pecantree canopy even if it is actually 110 degrees...