Some Music Notes

Some Music Notes

Hello CCC! I’d like to wish everyone a very happy New Year! It literally feels like 2021 just arrived amonth ago, and here we are heading into 2022. I have some exciting news to share with everyone when it comes to music at CCC. Wehave set a plan to include a wide variety of musicians...

Remaining Content in Trying Times

Remaining Content in Trying Times

Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatevercircumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also knowhow to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret ofbeing filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering...

Reflections of the Love of Christ

Reflections of the Love of Christ

Yo howdy All Y’all – It seems sudden that we’re already nearing the end of yet another year where some daysand decades seem as the same. The Autumn daylight from the Sun low on the horizonreveals beautiful new colors, and many turn their focus towards celebrating the Light of Christ inour lives. For the congregation...

An invitation to pause-

An invitation to pause-

Dear beloved community, As we move into and through the season of Advent, I want to invite you to pause –breathe in deeply – and exhale. It seems as though the world is spinning so much fasterthese day and before we know it will be Christmas morning. All of that said so that we don’tmiss...

Specific Hopes at Christmas

Specific Hopes at Christmas

For in hope we have been saved, but hope that is seen is not hope; for who hopes for what he alreadysees? – Romans 8:24“The celebration of Advent is possible only to those who are troubled in soul, who know themselvesto be poor and imperfect, and who look forward to something greater to come.”~ Dietrich...

Still “becoming church”

Still “becoming church”

Yo howdy All Y’all! It is a beautiful day! The world keeps spinning – with each of us experiencing twists and turns in our own lives – but nothingspinning completely out of control for we are congregants of a Christ centered church. We have learned andare learning what it means “becoming church”, and new ways...