Teaching and Learning to be Family

Teaching and Learning to be Family

In every conceivable manner, the family is link to our past, bridge to our future.  – Alex Haley You are members of God’s family. Together, we are his house, built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets. – Ephesians 2:19-20 As I write, Michyl-Shannon and I are back in my boyhood home on the...

Have Yourself a Messy Little Christmas.

Have Yourself a Messy Little Christmas.

While they were there, the time came for her to deliver her child. And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in bands of cloth and laid him in a manger, because there was no place in their rooms. – Luke 2:6-7 Away in a manger, no crib for his bed, The little...

A Reflection of the Light

A Reflection of the Light

One candle is lit…..For the hope of the age.For the reign of God’s peace.For the joy of these days.For God’s loving surprise.For the Christ birthday here.One Candle is Lit-Hymn # 128 in Chalice Hymnal As we dive into this Christmas season, there will be much to do; as our Elder Barbara reminded usthis past Sunday...

Buckets; pronounced “Boo-Kays”

Buckets; pronounced “Boo-Kays”

Yo howdy all y’all – rejoice, this is the day Creation hath made. The weather has gloriously changed – a new season’s blend of harvest and preparation. “Gardening with God” presents challenging opportunities for faith, trust and a reliance on Grace. I’m talking about composting. The piles of leaves and textured cuttings that appear and...

Reaping Generously, Even in this HEAT.

Reaping Generously, Even in this HEAT.

Yo howdy all y’all – it is a beautiful day! Everyday around noon – when the summertime heat index accelerates it’s rise – the shade from our pecans begins to embrace the seating along our San Antonio hillside, and often there is even a soft breeze. It is comforting to pause and pray, to sit...

Beautiful Feet Bringing Good News

Beautiful Feet Bringing Good News

And how can anyone preach unless they are sent?As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”Romans 10:15 These past few weeks have been busy ones around the CCC campus. On Sunday, June 17th, twenty youth and their chaperones from Arlington Heights United Methodist Church rolled into theparking lot...