Chaos is what happens right before change.

Chaos is what happens right before change.

As I sit down to write this month’s article, there is much swirling around in my brain. Have you ever
seen that meme that says, “My brain is like an internet browser: 12 tabs are open, 5 are not responding,
there’s a GIF playing on an endless loop and where is that annoying music coming from?” So much swirling!

Has that ever happened to you? How do you handle it all? How do we not get caught up in the chaos?

Someone once shared with me that chaos is what happens right before change. Think about it. Think
of a time or two in your life where all is swirling and chaos abounds. What happened next? Change. Change
that we may or may not have been ready for or even welcomed. But change occurred nonetheless.

So, as the chaos swirls around, may we all embrace it knowing that change lies ahead. Change in
schedules. Change in seasons although I don’t think that Texas weather got the memo. For through change
comes growth – personally, professionally and with the communities that we live and worship in. May we all
be able to close some of those internet tabs and figure out where the music is coming from and take time to
quiet our hearts, minds and spirits. I look forward to all that lies ahead for each us in the coming months.

Pastor Heidi