Dig Deep for a Strong Foundation

Dig Deep for a Strong Foundation

The Lord has given; the Lord has taken; bless the Lord’s name – Job 1:21

This Lenten season, we have gathered each Wednesday evening to share in our weekly
discussion group centered around a study from the prophets, Wind in the Wilderness by DJ Del
Rosario. We have prayed for and with one another as well as those we hold near and dear, we
have read scriptures with one another, and we have shared in sacred and intimate conversations
together. Thus far we have read and studied from the prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Hosea, Johan
with Job and Zechariah to help us wrap up our studies together.

Each week through the Lenten journey we have shared many pondering questions, many of
which will keep us wondering and studying. However, along the path we have shared in the hope
and comfort in knowing that we are not alone in this journey as we read about in book of Isaiah. In
the book of Jeremiah, we were called to recognize that often we are called to dig deep so that we
are equipped to create a well built and strong foundation. In the book of Hosea, we read about the
names of Hosea’s children and the meanings that they each held for both their role in the family
and to God. And in week four, we read about Jonah and the power of only nine words. And we also
learned how Johan’s time in the big fish helped lead him to have a change of heart.

As we close our Lenten discussion group on the Wednesday evening of Holy Week, it is not
too late for you to join us via Zoom to share in an hour of prayer, conversation and learning with
and from one another. Come, let us gather together.

Pastor Heidi