Yo howdy, all y’all,
Most everything in our garden is growing like weeds – a blooming congregation
of wild weeds. Gardening with God ya gotta accept some wild weeds.
Hopefully, we’ll have an ongoing rotation of blooms and textured colors all the way till fall.
Produce deliveries to Angel’s House Soup Kitchen are increasing in variety and weight. Volunteers
welcome. The flowers have been purdy and welcomed enthusiastically by neighbors and
passersby. Seems like most everybody in our Congregation has found something to enjoy, thank
you all.
Saturdays in May, after 9 am, will be Garden Raiser Days, with opportunities to help with
harvesting, “deadheading” and other things, but also will include a table-top offering of free
weeds (a/k/a wildflowers and other blooming perennials) all grown in our gardens.
It is fun to engage with folks while gardening around the A.U.S. Garden (Austin Urban Sanctuary)
at Central Christian Church.
How do y’all like the name? The A.U.S. Garden (at CCC). Or the Garden of A.U.S. (at CCC)?
The photo is from August 2021 along San Antonio Street.
C’mon on down – sit a spell or walk about; listen to the birds and the bees, watch, and maybe talk
with folks, enjoy the many butterflies, share the Grace given to us all.
Be well.