Gardens of Gratitude

Gardens of Gratitude

Yo howdy All Y’All!

So, what is this? Passersby often ask, approaching from every direction.

“These are gardens of gratitude for the glorious miracle of you. Of each of us.” Thank you.

May a sense of the peace and justice of Love be with you in life’s garden now.

These are wildings in our downtown wilderness, erosion control, a softening of edges, a congregation of weeds. Orchestrated as we be with an abundance of texture, shade, shape, size, bloom, fruit, and purpose. Choreographed by birds, breeze, happenstance, wildlife and the Grace revealed gardening with God.

This is a place where produce, herbs, healing plants and flowers are within reach.

This is Central Christian Church, Austin. Our Garden of AUS (Abundance Urban Sanctuary). We are a Disciples of Christ congregation. A congregation growing in welcoming and affirming weeds in our landscapes and our lives. We may agreeably disagree on which and what are weeds, but we accept the existence of growth.

These gardens are a gift to the street, to you.

This is a community garden, we are neighbors in community. This garden grows fresh produce and herbs for the Austin Baptist Chapel’s Angel’s House Soup Kitchen, others, and for passersby.

This garden is a celebration of your individuality, your unique quirks and self-contradictions – essential as we each are to the ever-evolving establishment of peace and justice among us all. Towards our more perfect union as people of Love and Grace.

Together, let us honor our Creation/Creator by loving Created/Creation. This is a garden of gratitude for the glorious miracle of you.

Be well be safe know joy!
