Never Tell Someone They Can’t Sing!

Never Tell Someone They Can’t Sing!

Hello CCC!

This month I’d like to chat about something I’ve heard from many people at one point or
another…they have either been told they can’t sing by someone many years ago, or they have been
the one telling themselves they can’t sing. I recently read an article about this that I found quite

The gist of the article was to “never tell someone they can’t sing – it is brutal, damaging and untrue”.
This is something I completely agree with. Like many things in life singing can take practice, but
feeling unable to sing can be a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy where someone who may not have as
much singing experience feels self-conscious or had been told they don’t have a good voice which
stops them from singing at all which means they won’t gain any additional singing experience/
practice leading them to believe they can’t sing, which means they don’t sing, which means they
don’t get experience/practice and the cycle goes around and around. My belief is that if you are able
to speak then you are able to sing…and singing is not all too different than speaking (mainly a bit
more breath support).

We have so much fun with the CCC choir, and nobody will be upset if the notes are not quite right,
or not exactly on pitch etc…church choirs are a great place to explore singing in a welcoming
environment surrounded by those that care about you! There are many fun little exercises that can
help get the vocal chords buzzing and I’d love to help replace any negative self-talk regarding your
ability to sing with positive and fun experiences to help open up a new venue for expression! In my
opinion, singing is one of God’s greatest gifts and we should use it and be excited to share that gift
with one another!

Please feel free to join us for a rehearsal any Sunday…we start at 9:30am and rehearse until
10:30pm. There is no pressure to need to sing for the actual worship service, but please do think
about attending a rehearsal (or many) if you’d like to get better acquainted with your voice! We’d
love to see you there!

All the best,