Re-Gifting Without Guilt

Re-Gifting Without Guilt

 As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace . . . 1 Peter 4:10

The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away. – Pablo Picasso

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. – Leo Buscaglia

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Does the practice of re-gifting have a slightly negative connotation in your mind?

While it can certainly be embarrassing to be “caught” re-gifting something by the original giver, I  think that most of us would always prefer that a gift be passed along rather than sitting unused and unappreciated in the back of a drawer or closet (or tossed in the trash!) As the excerpt below suggests, it prevents unnecessary clogging of landfills.

“National Re-gifting Day was made official by then Colorado governor Bill Ritter Jr in 2008.Each year on the Thursday before Christmas, people across the United States participate in National Re-gifting Day. The day acknowledges the office parties and the unique Christmas gift exchanges that they do. This particular December Thursday appears to be the most common day for companies to hold their annual employee/company Holiday parties.As a method of recycling, approximately 14%, of those surveyed, believe that regifting is becoming more popular, for that reason alone.”

I find that re-gifting is perfectly in line with our calling as Christians. We believe that literally everything that is ours, including all of creation itself, comes to us as a gift from God. We believe that God is the source and giver of Spirit (Life), Love, Joy, Peace, Truth, Wisdom, Grace, Mercy, Strength, Light, Kindness, Goodness and much more. All of these things come to us as gifts, and we are expected to re-gift them as a demonstration of our gratitude. God and Christ are thrilled when we re-gift.

We have been blessed so that we can be a blessing to others. In Genesis 12:2-3 God tells Abraham, “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.” This passage shows that God’s blessings on Abraham were intended not just for him, but also to be a source of blessing for others around him.

National Re-gifting Day won’t come around for nearly 12 months. There may be an item or two that you received this Christmas that might be perfect to save for then, but hopefully we can all spend the time between then and now lavishly re-gifting the many treasures that have been shared with us first. Another term that fits is “paying it forward.”

Re-gifting Suggestions: Hugs, Smiles, Kind Words, Encouraging Words, Patient and Supportive Listening, Emergency Cash, a Warm Coat, Clean Socks, a Hot Meal, Help Cleaning out a closet, garage, or shed, Loving Advice, a Timely Warning, a Welcoming Embrace, a Consoling Embrace, a Strengthening Embrace, an Attentive Ear, A Non-Judgmental Ear, a Moment of Quiet Supporting Presence, a Word of Forgiveness, Words of Grace, a Moment of your Time, a little Elbow Grease, some Sweat of Your Brow, a warm Casserole, a pan of Brownies . . .

(Did I mention Hugs, Smiles, and Kind Words?)


Pastor Layne