A Note from our Music Minister Mark Kuroski
Hello Central Christian Church!
I think it’s always interesting to read about the benefits of singing in a choir. Music has such an
interesting effect on the body and the mind just by listening to it…from a sad song to an
inspirational one, and I believe those effects are multiplied when the music is coming from within
you. Here is a list of benefits found to come from singing, and especially from singing in a group.
- Improving breathing, posture, and muscle tension
- Regulating the heart rate
- Working as an effective painkiller
- Sustaining a healthy immune system
- Improving symptoms of chronic diseases
- Improving the overall status of our physical health
- Improving memory (and symptoms of dementia too!)
- Reducing stress levels and depression
- Improving our overall sense of happiness and wellbeing
- Broadening social networks
- Deepening a sense of togetherness, community, and belonging.
Singing with us at CCC is a great way to see if singing in a choir might be something you’d enjoy!
We rehearse every Sunday from 9:30am to 10:30am, and there’s no pressure to join us for
singing in the service (in case you want to wet your toes by coming to rehearsals first before
singing for the service). Also, if you think you might just like singing the hymns but not special
music that’s totally okay too (or the other way around).
Hopefully you’ll think about it, and if you have any questions please feel free to reach out!
All the best,
Mark Kuroski