The Earth Is My Garden

The Earth Is My Garden

Yo howdy all y’all!

It is Memorial Day as I write, sitting this early morning in the shade of one of our heritage pecan trees. The light of the rising sun reflects off the windows of the Capitol – random sparkles briefly on the golden star held aloft by the goddess of Liberty atop the dome.

May the Light of the Risen Son illuminate the spirit of actions taken beneath that dome. I’m reflecting on the past couple sermons shared by Pastor Layne and harvesting from our garden for Angel’s House Soup Kitchen. I’ve been humming “Jesus Loves the Little Children”, yep, all the little children of the world. Including those who grow up to be black grandparents in Buffalo.

I’ve been to funerals for grandparents who led long fulfilling lives; I’ve been to a funeral for an eleven-year-old girl; her life was filled with wonder. I was nine, I know the lifelong impacts the passing of a child’s best friend (and big sister) can bring, the lifelong anguish of a mother and father, of family, school friends and teachers, and the neighbors. Ruthie’s death was a medical accident; tragic and forgivable.

Growing up and growing older, I witnessed in my mother the power of faith, rewarded, that is reflected in a “Rune of Comfort” by the Islamic poet Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207- 1273 AD). Rumi’s rune – a poem – is one I share as friends face passings and embrace transitions:

 “I am the Life…and the Light…and the Way. The Earth is my Garden. Each of the souls I plant as seeds…germinates and flowers…in its season, and in each I am fulfilled. There is no cause for grief when a blossom fades; but cause only for rejoicing for the beauty it held. I am one with all creatures, and none is ever lost, but only restored to me…having never left me at all. For what is Eternal cannot be separated from its Source. I am with you all, and each of you is a channel for my Light.”

On my way to church, I stopped at the front steps of our State Capitol. In solitude, looking at the wilted flowers, the windblown notes, and photos of nineteen vibrant children and two radiant teachers. I do grieve for the families and friends and communities.

Many, maybe most of the photographs had documented – just a couple hours earlier on that school day – an awards ceremony celebrating the joys of accomplished life. “A-B Honor Roll”, Musical Citations and Sport Achievements – one child obviously a dancer – each and every child with big beautiful smiles and vibrant bright eyes. We need to know that several of the children murdered could only be identified thru DNA testing. “…cause only for rejoicing for the beauty that it held.” Cause also to actively answer Christ.

In his Memorial Day weekend sermon, Pastor Layne spoke of idols, worshipped idols – gods, goddesses and carvings of ancient times, and also of some idols still worshipped today – as if these mere objects were inherently true to the supreme and humbling power of Creating God, as if the craven imaginings are relevant to the harmonic teachings and demonstrations of Love and Grace by Jesus Christ. The source of our protection and salvation now and evermore is our Creating God, not idols of stock or gold, guns or money. Our protection and salvation is always available following Christ’s two great commandments. Honor God, worship God – not metallic idols, not with token thoughts and prayers – the thoughtless incantations repeated as ritual.

The flags flying beside the Capitol Dome have been flying half-staff most of May, flying also above this week’s latest front-steps memorial. Is this how we want our laws and customs to do onto us? Jesus Christ did not call for the establishment of “christian nations”; to proclaim such is blasphemy. Jesus Christ called us to a new way of life – of gratitude, praise, honor, grace and love.

The sprouted seeds of sunflowers embracing our church are beginning to bloom. Sunflowers were a favorite of at least one Uvalde student restored to God. Sing it now, may it resonate within you, may children know many seasons of living this song, “Jesus loves the little children, all the little children of the world…red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world.”

Be well. Phil