Traveling Can Inspire

Traveling Can Inspire

“Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends.” – Maya Angelou

Ahoy! As you read this, Brad and I are somewhere on a boat. We sailed out last Saturday on a Western Caribbean cruise and depending on when you open this newsletter, we are either in Roatan (Wednesday), on the Caribbean Sea (Thursday), or in the Gulf of Mexico (Friday) making our way back to Galveston early Saturday morning. I know there are mixed feelings regarding cruising, but we have found it to be one of the best ways for us to truly unplug, see the world, meet people from across the globe, and to experience places and cultures that we may not have otherwise. Travel also leads to rest and throughout the Bible we are called to rest. Just a few scriptures for you to ponder are Exodus 33:14, Matthew 11:28 and Mark 6:31. Each calling us to rest. Recharge. And rejuvenate our minds, bodies, and spirits.

Traveling doesn’t have to be somewhere exotic or far away. Travel can be just a new place near home that you have been wanting to explore. I remember as a young child that my grandparents would always “go for a drive.” I never quite understood the purpose, but I now realize that it was a time for them to connect, not be distracted, to see something new or perhaps in a new way, and to be out in the world. I made note of an article years ago on the benefits of traveling, unfortunately, I didn’t write down the source but nonetheless, I think it is worth sharing here.

 * Traveling teaches us about God’s creativity – culture, food, sights, and people. It widens our understanding of the world and opens our eyes to God’s creation.

 * Traveling pulls us out of our routine. Anyone else fell like is eat, sleep, work, repeat? Stepping out of that day-to-day routine allows our brain and our spirit to reset and recharge. * Traveling offers a fresh perspective. Whether you travel somewhere new or travel to a familiar place, get up early for the sunrise or lay out a blanket and watch the stars.

 * Traveling inspires. New surroundings get our creative energy flowing and makes space for us to thinking about our God-given talents and God’s purpose for our lives.

 * Traveling gives opportunity to be Christ-like to others. Mission trips are the obvious example of this but traveling gives each of us the opportunity to share the light of Jesus with others through our words and actions.

 * Traveling is fun. Wo often as adults we forget how important having fun and playing is for our minds, bodies, and spirits. Stepping away from the normal routine is a great way to contemplate and experience all of God’s creation.

 In a world that is at war, chaotic, and quite amped up, take time to do something different. Take that Sunday drive. Go eat at a new restaurant. Take a walk along a new trail. Look for God’s beauty in the world. Look for God’s beauty in all of creation.

So, as summertime winds down, wherever you may roam, may you find rest, rejuvenation, and the opportunity to recharge your mind, body, and spirit.

Signed from somewhere on a boat,

Pastor Heidi