A beautiful space, a stressfree experience, A Perfect Wedding ____________ CONTACT US FOR DETAILS

We would be honored to help make your wedding a dream come true!

It is our mission to give you the experience you deserve!
The marriage ceremony is one of the most sacred and beautiful of all the rituals. It is a ceremony of worship in which two people, before God, pledge their faith and love to each other for the rest of their lives. It is the desire of the members and staff at Central Christian Church to make your wedding a beautiful and meaningful event that will become a memory that will be cherished forever. We’re sure you’ll find our church to be a beautiful venue for your wedding, but we also want to make sure the process is as easy as possible.
Our wedding coordinator will help guide you through the entire process whatever your needs may be. Message us through our contact form to inquire about your desired date(s) or to ask additional questions not covered in our FAQ section below. After submitting the form our wedding coordinator will get back in touch with you to discuss your request/questions. Judye Moore-Heim, our wedding coordinator, is looking forward to touching base with you and answering any questions you may have!
Judye Moore-Heim

Judye Moore-Heim

Wedding Coordinator

Since 2011 Judye Moore-Heim has served as wedding coordinator for Central Christian Church. She is very committed to the Wedding Ministry and every year the wedding ministry continues to grow under her leadership. Judye’s goal for every couple is to help make sure their wedding experience at Central Christian is filled with many wonderful memories. Judye currently serves as a Central Christian Church treasurer and has done so for a total of 9 years. Judye works to help each couple find a welcoming church home for their wedding.  During her tenure, Judye has helped hundreds of couples coordinate the ceremony that best fits their needs.

Take a virtual tour of our beautiful building!

To explore the rest of the space head through the door to the left of the front and continue through the hall.

Contact Us Today!

Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you within 48 hours.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Please Read Below for Additional Information

    Are there specific rules for the Photographer/Videographer?

    Central Christian Church was constructed in 1928, and the lighting within the sanctuary is limited. If your photographer or videographer has not worked in our sanctuary prior to your wedding, he/she is welcome to visit the sanctuary to get an idea if they will need additional lighting equipment. Your CCC wedding coordinator will explain the guidelines to them when they arrive on the wedding day, or they are welcome to call your wedding coordinator prior to get that information.

    Can I hire an outside Wedding Coordinator?

    Some brides feel the need to hire outside wedding coordinators or event planners. We welcome them to assist the bride, groom and wedding party with dressing, photos, delivering and gathering personal belongings before and/or after the ceremony, but for safety and security reasons, only the CCC wedding coordinator and her assistants shall give directions, lead the wedding party to designated preparation rooms, and direct the processional.

    The CCC wedding staff have a system in place for monitoring doors (that they be locked or unlocked at the appropriate times) and for cuing musicians and ministerial staff during the ceremony.

    Can we have taped or digitally recorded music (CDs)?

    In keeping with the theological and architectural style of the church, taped and/or digitally recorded music (CD) is not permitted

    Do I have to be a member of Central Christian Church to have my wedding there?

    The wedding ministry at Central Christian Church is very important to the people who worship here. We proudly open our doors to this historic building for your special day. (You are not required to be a church member here.) Built in 1928 – 1929 it is listed in the National Register of Historical Buildings.

    Deciding on a place for your wedding ceremony can be stressful. Contact us to schedule a tour of our beautiful church and meet our senior minister, Reverend Doctor Layne Beamer.

    Do you have an organist or pianist, or do we need to find one?

    A wedding is a sacred service of the church, and the music should be reflective of the spiritual and joyous occasion. CCC has access to very talented music professionals who would love to provide the music on your special day. They love playing our (very beautiful) pipe organ or piano. If you use our musicians, they will attend our “walkthrough” meeting (where we walk through the details of your ceremony about 90 days before your wedding) and play samples of songs that fit well for every part of your ceremony. If you have strings in mind, we can recommend professional string quartets who have provided music for many CCC weddings through the years as well.

    How do I book a wedding at Central Christian Church?

    You can submit your inquiry via our form and our wedding coordinator will be in touch to:

      • Discuss your preferred dates
      • Answer any questions
      • Send required forms

    The date for your wedding will be locked in when we receive the signed Wedding Requisition form along with a $500.00 deposit. Our facilities are available on a first come basis.

    How many people does the church hold?

    Our church will seat approximately 450 guests (including seating in the balcony).

    How much does it Cost to get married at Central Christian Church?

    When you contact our wedding coordinator, she will be glad to provide you with pricing information.

    What decorations are permitted?

    The sanctuary is lovely and ornately detailed and does not require much decorating. Flowers and/or candles make the perfect accent. The use of nails, screws, wire or tape of any kind is not permitted. Pew markers must be padded and must not mark or scar the wood. The communion table, pulpit and associated furnishings may not be moved. For safety reasons, no decorations such as candles or aisle runners may be placed along the center aisle. CCC will provide a variety of candles to help decorate the ledges and the baptistry window at no extra cost if you like. The CCC wedding coordinator can provide pictures so you will know how it can look.

    Who should attend my Rehearsal?

    All of the wedding party, including parents and ushers should attend the rehearsal, which is typically the day before the wedding. The rehearsal will be conducted by the officiating minister and the CCC wedding staff. The church will be open ½ hour before the appointed time the rehearsal. One hour is ample time for the rehearsal.

    Why am I required to use the Central Christian Church Wedding Coordinator?

    Once your wedding is scheduled, CCC’s wedding coordinator will help you plan the details of your wedding ceremony. She will direct you at rehearsal and on the day of your wedding. You may retain your own wedding coordinator or event planner. We welcome them to assist the bride, groom and wedding party with dressing, photos, delivering and gathering personal belongings before and/or after the ceremony. However for safety and security reasons, only the church wedding coordinator and her assistant are permitted to direct any proceedings that take place inside the church, including leading the wedding party to designated preparation rooms, directing the processional, and cuing musicians and ministerial staff. Our charming old church has many doors and entrances and only the CCC wedding staff is knowledgeable about their locking mechanisms which are aged and often tricky.

    Will the church be accessible before and after the wedding for decorating and photographs?

    Access to the Church is granted 2½ hours before the ceremony. Many couples choose to have the majority of photographs taken prior to the ceremony. After the wedding ceremony, one hour is granted to complete photos and clear the church of all personal belongings.