The Benefits of Singing

The Benefits of Singing

A Note from our Music Minister Mark Kuroski Hello Central Christian Church! I think it’s always interesting to read about the benefits of singing in a choir. Music has such aninteresting effect on the body and the mind just by listening to it…from a sad song to aninspirational one, and I believe those effects are...

Never Tell Someone They Can’t Sing!

Never Tell Someone They Can’t Sing!

Hello CCC! This month I’d like to chat about something I’ve heard from many people at one point oranother…they have either been told they can’t sing by someone many years ago, or they have beenthe one telling themselves they can’t sing. I recently read an article about this that I found quiteinteresting. The gist of...

Handbells For Health

Handbells For Health

Hello CCC, It’s wild to think about, but it’s coming close to the time where we need to begin preparing for Christmas! We have a beautiful full set of bells at CCC that we’ve been using to signify the start of worship each Sunday, but I’d love to use them to play a full song...

Dust Your Piano, Keep Your Passion Alive!

Dust Your Piano, Keep Your Passion Alive!

Sometimes I like to write my newsletter article about an upcoming music event, or plans for music at
CCC, or maybe a call out to join the bell choir etc…but this month's article is a random bit of advice and that is to "dust your piano"! Now, you may be thinking that if you don't have a piano this advice may not apply to you…but the piano is really just a placeholder, anything else can be substituted. This may seem like a strange bit of advice, let me explain…

Some Assistance, Please.

Some Assistance, Please.

A Note from our Music Minister Mark Kuroski Hello Central Christian Church, I have some exciting news to share…our remake of the CCC website is nearing completion of itsfirst stage and will be available for all to take a look through this month! There will still be room forchanges and adjustments, but the main functionality...

Some Music Notes

Some Music Notes

Hello CCC! I’d like to wish everyone a very happy New Year! It literally feels like 2021 just arrived amonth ago, and here we are heading into 2022. I have some exciting news to share with everyone when it comes to music at CCC. Wehave set a plan to include a wide variety of musicians...