As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat,summer and winter, day and night will never cease.Genesis 8:22 I have been doing much reflection lately for a variety of reasons. First, graduation fromseminary is in sight (230 days to be exact, but who is counting?). Second, I have been rereadingvarious papers and...
Trunk or Treat at an Urban Sanctuary
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear. – 1 John 4:18 Dear Sisters and Brothers, While it is true that the observance of Halloween has its roots in ancient pagan (particularly Druid)customs and beliefs, it is also true that the Church influenced the event. Attempting to counter variouspagan beliefs and...
An Invitation to Reflect
The -ber months are upon us – September, October, November, and December! And forthose that don’t know, Fall is my absolutely most favorite season of all! I realize that I probably livein the wrong area of the country to truly experience Fall as we have about 5.8 days of Fall-ish typeweather, but I love the...
Nourishing People as an Urban Sanctury
Yo howdy All Yall – it is a beautiful day! One of the demonstrations that I love of our being church is that we nourish people – welcoming strangersto share at our table and experience our Austin Urban Sanctuary. Our presence downtown creates opportunities to meet people visiting our community; those engagedwith our civic process...
Never Tell Someone They Can’t Sing!
Hello CCC! This month I’d like to chat about something I’ve heard from many people at one point oranother…they have either been told they can’t sing by someone many years ago, or they have beenthe one telling themselves they can’t sing. I recently read an article about this that I found quiteinteresting. The gist of...
A Time for Everything
As I sat down to write this month’s article, I was once again reminded just how quickly thisyear has flown by. How is it already August? And with half of 2023 already behind us and withonly 147 days until Christmas! This past Sunday as Zoey, Hugo and I were painting a little something cheery to...