Event Series Curbside Ashes

Curbside Ashes

Central Christian Church 1110 Guadalupe Street, Austin, United States

Please join us for curbside ashes to commemorate this upcoming Ash Wednesday. There is plenty of parking behind the church, and many times available parking along 12th Street adjacent to...

Meager Meal

Central Christian Church 1110 Guadalupe Street, Austin, United States

We will be having a meager meal the evening of Ash Wednesday before our Ash Wednesday observance. All are welcome.

Ash Wednesday Observance


Please join us for a contemplative Ash Wednesday observance together in person at the church, and online on Zoom (the Zoom link is below to join).

Charity Piano Concert

Central Christian Church 1110 Guadalupe Street, Austin, United States

Please join us in our sanctuary to celebrate International Women's Day! Enjoy beautiful music from female composers. There is no entry fee, but love donations will be taken to be...

Worship Service

Central Christian Church 1110 Guadalupe Street, Austin, United States

Please join us each Sunday morning at 11am in person, or livestreaming on our facebook page (link below) to take part in our worship service as we share fellowship, music,...

Worship and Music Team Meeting

Central Christian Church 1110 Guadalupe Street, Austin, United States

After the service the Worship and Music Team (and anyone that else that would like to join) will be meeting to discuss worship plans for the year with a special...

Spring Studio Recital

Join us for an afternoon of stunning music from our acclaimed church pianist Mikhail (Misha) Smigelski's studio with his talented students performing both vocal and piano selections.

Open Sanctuary

Central Christian Church 1110 Guadalupe Street, Austin, United States

The sanctuary will be open to welcome all for a time of meditation and reflection. Come by and be sure to share with your friends, neighbors, and co-workers who may...

Christian Women’s Fellowship Zoom


Please join us for our Christian Women's Fellowship gathering over Zoom. The Zoom link is pasted below. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5124766941

Open Sanctuary

Central Christian Church 1110 Guadalupe Street, Austin, United States

The sanctuary will be open to welcome all for a time of meditation and reflection. Come by and be sure to share with your friends, neighbors, and co-workers who may...

Event Series Meager Meal

Meager Meal

Central Christian Church 1110 Guadalupe Street, Austin, United States

Please join us in person for our meager meal before our Lenton book study.