Taking part amid seasonal change

Taking part amid seasonal change

The weather is finally starting to cool down (sort of) and we are marching into my
favorite season of all – Fall! I don’t know why this is my favorite time of year, having been
born and raised right here in the middle of Texas, we don’t really have much of a true Fall.
Nonetheless, it is my favorite time of year! And as we look forward to the last ninety days of
2021, I invite you to each join in the many things we are planning for you all to take part in,
both in person and virtually.

October brings several opportunities for acts of service: the outreach committees’ action
workshop, the outdoor workday, and the Hands on Housing event. For worship opportunities,
we will celebrate World Communion Sunday and our annual Pet Blessing with an outdoor
worship experience. For a time of study, Pastor Layne will continue to lead the bible
discussion on Wednesday evenings until October 13th. Then, we will begin sharing in a study
offered by the Disciples of Christ regarding covenant. It will be an interactive conversation
regarding faithfully living into covenant as the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). It is a
five-week study in which we will journey through together on Wednesday evenings at 7pm
via Zoom.

My hope is that in this time of seasonal change, you may each find a place to fall into
this community of faith, whether it be through acts of service, sharing in worship (in-person
or virtually), or through study or all the above.

Pastor Heidi