Dear Sisters and Brothers, I spent some time earlier this week looking through a National Geographic publication titled, Jesus: An...
Change Is A Beautiful Thing
A person should rejoice in their own works. – Ecclesiastes 3:22 The -ber months are here! September, October, November, and...
We’re Growing a Congregation of Weeds

We're growing a congregation of weeds - drought tolerant natives that will keep flowering
throughout the summer, hopefully with another bursting of blooms in the fall. Gardening with God
begins with "Let it Be" - observe, discern. Then devotion in works of faith.
Dust Your Piano, Keep Your Passion Alive!

Sometimes I like to write my newsletter article about an upcoming music event, or plans for music at
CCC, or maybe a call out to join the bell choir etc…but this month's article is a random bit of advice and that is to "dust your piano"! Now, you may be thinking that if you don't have a piano this advice may not apply to you…but the piano is really just a placeholder, anything else can be substituted. This may seem like a strange bit of advice, let me explain…
When One Door Closes, Another Door Opens

As I sat down to write this month’s article, I was reminded once again just how quickly this year has
flown by. How is it already July? Everyone is in full summer mode with trips to the pool, trips to the
beach, trips to visit family and friends and for those of us in Central Texas, we are just trying to stay
cool in these record-breaking Texas temperatures. July isn’t typically known for change, but I would be
remiss if I didn’t share a tad of all the happenings around CCC! As the adage goes, “when one door
closes, another one opens!”
Dependent Rather Than Independent

As our nation prepares to celebrate Independence Day, it is important that we remember that while we
Americans rightly celebrate the hard-fought-for freedoms from tyranny and oppression that we enjoy after
our revolutionary war, with Britain, and the many individual rights and liberties that our Constitution
guarantees for us as citizens, those of us who are Christian must acknowledge that we are to consider
ourselves as first and foremost inter –dependent rather than independent.